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These Truths I Hold to be Self-Evident

Life is a Cliché, old chum! Sure, clichés are often tired and trite, but true.

Life’s a song. “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again.”

Stand on your own two feet.

Life isn’t fair. Good people die young. Big mouth jerks get ahead.

It doesn’t matter what people will think.

Write lists.

Take a book or a puzzle with you.

Give yourself permission to relax and sit and enjoy life in your own backyard.

You have to start somewhere.


Different is good. Odd is good. Don’t be a sheep; don’t be a lemming.

Stand up for yourself. No one else will.

Be yourself.

There’s too much stuff in the world.

You can’t edit a blank page.

Listen to your own voice. Find out who you are, what you want and believe in.

Shake up your life. It doesn’t have to be an earth quake, it can be a tiny tremor.

Routine is good; routine is bad. It can calm you, but don’t get mired in it.

One’s mental and physical health are inextricably intertwined.

Negativity is a drag.

You’re responsible for your own actions.

Move out. Move on. Move beyond.

Move away from home. Become your own person.

It’s humbling, exciting and mind altering to move, start a new job, go to school, travel.

Think of the possibilities. Don’t get lost in them and use them as an escape.

Cultivate one really good friend and enjoy the friendship.

Not everyone will like you and you won’t like everyone.

Lead a thoughtful life. Don’t live life by rote.

Balance the good with the bad, the fun with the boring.

Your perspective is your reality.

Life is about the simple pleasures.

Ask yourself “what do you really want to do?”

You’re not peculiar, you’re quirky.

There’s not enough whimsy in this life.

Think of yourself.

Think for yourself.

You’re the leading character in your life story.

Will it matter in a day, month, year?

The past doesn’t exist. The future doesn’t exist. Live NOW.

Be kind to your little corner of the planet.

Work is work and home is home. Draw a line between the two.

Boredom just shows a lack of imagination.

Self doubt and second guess are bastard twins.

Sometimes it’s better to let go and sometimes it’s better to hang on.

Some things are better to let go of and some things are better to hang onto.

Some ideas are better to let go of and some ideas are better to hang onto.

Some people are better to let go of and some people are better to hang onto.

The farther I go, the less I know.

Acting grown-up is highly over-rated.

Competency will be rewarded with more work.

Routine can be an assassin to creativity.

The voices in my head are talking to each other and I’m just taking notes.

A lot of teasing and joking is just plain mean spirited.

Don’t lick your shoes.

Just because I know these things doesn’t mean I always do these things.

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